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Does rooster fighting date matter?

Many experienced gamblers use the “coi ngày đá gà cựa sắt” approach (checking the date of a rooster fighting match) to boost their chances of winning. This question is still hotly debated. This post will discuss if examining rooster fighting dates is crucial, as mentioned by 55bmw casino.

Should rooster fighting dates be checked?

Supporters of checking the date of rooster fighting believe that the birthdate and fighting date of a rooster are crucial factors that influence the outcome of a match. Additionally, they argue that checking the date can help gamblers avoid unfavorable days and reduce risks.

Opponents of checking the date of rooster fighting argue that the outcome of a match depends on various factors, and the color of a rooster’s feathers is just a minor factor that has little impact on the result. They also believe that checking the date is subjective and lacks scientific basis.

Overall, whether or not it is important to check the date of rooster fighting depends on each individual’s perspective. However, if you believe in the power of feng shui and want to increase your chances of winning, you can consider checking the date of rooster fighting.

Coi ngày đá gà cựa sắt có quan trọng không?

Top 3 secret techniques for checking the date of rooster fighting

There are various techniques for checking the date of rooster fighting that are widely shared in forums and gambling communities. However, the following three techniques are highly regarded by experienced gamblers:

1. Checking the date of rooster fighting based on the relationships between the five elements

The five elements theory, which is applied in many fields, including rooster fighting, can help gamblers determine the auspicious dates for matches. Here are some techniques based on the five elements:

  • Roosters with gray, yellow, or tan feathers tend to defeat roosters with dark feathers on days associated with the element of Metal (Kim in Vietnamese).
  • Roosters with dark or gray feathers tend to defeat roosters with light feathers on days associated with the element of Fire (Hỏa in Vietnamese).
  • White roosters tend to defeat golden roosters on days associated with the element of Water (Thủy in Vietnamese).

Coi ngày đá gà cựa sắt theo ngũ hành tương sinh tương khắc

2. Checking the date of rooster fighting based on the season

Apart from the five elements, the color of a rooster’s feathers is also an important factor that affects the match’s outcome. Here are some considerations when checking the date of rooster fighting based on the season:

  • During the spring season (associated with the element of Metal), roosters with gray feathers perform best as gray is associated with Metal.
  • During the summer season (associated with the element of Wood), roosters with tan feathers perform best as tan is associated with Wood.
  • During the autumn season (associated with the element of Fire), roosters with red or brown feathers perform best as they are associated with Fire.

3. Checking the date of rooster fighting based on zodiac signs

To check the date of rooster fighting based on the zodiac signs, you need to determine the zodiac sign of the fighting day and select a rooster with feathers that correspond to the lucky color of that zodiac sign. For example, if the day is associated with the Rat zodiac sign, the lucky color is brown. Therefore, you should choose a rooster with brown feathers for that day. Avoid choosing roosters with black or gray feathers as they may decrease your chances of winning.

Coi ngày đá gà cựa sắt theo con giáp

Important considerations when checking the date of rooster fighting

While these techniques for checking the date of rooster fighting are widely used, it is essential to consider that the outcome of a match depends on multiple factors, with the rooster’s health and skills being the most crucial. Therefore, it is not advisable to rely solely on checking the date. Instead, it is recommended to combine it with other factors such as feng shui in the arena, the feng shui of the owners, and guests of the roosters to make the most accurate decision.

Moreover, it is best to check the date of rooster fighting about a week in advance to allow for ample preparation. If possible, you can also research the feng shui of the arena and the owners and guests of the roosters to select the most suitable day for your rooster to fight.


If possible, 55bmw casino recommends checking the date of rooster fighting before each match, especially for inexperienced gamblers or those lacking in betting techniques. However, it is important to remember that the outcome of a rooster fighting match depends on various factors.


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